Monday, May 25, 2009

Real Housewives of Las Tablas

My first two days in Spain were spent in a Madrid suburb area called Las Tablas. It is the land of seven story apartment buildings, dog parks and playgrounds on every corner, and children riding these rad tiny plastic motorcycle ¨bikes.¨ It felt a lot more like a modern suburb, than the Spain I had been imagining, but we had fun exploring the area over the weekend.

Saturday was spent trying to stay awake. It is the only way to get on European time without the effects of jetlag. I managed to make it until 9pm, which was my goal. 12 hours later I woke up and have had no problems adjusting to the time since. Saturday also marked my first Spanish lunch. Kelly made me a beautiful ¨welcome to spain" lunch.

Sunday we took long walk around Las Tablas. First we went to the "Chinese Store" where you can get just about anything. It is one of the very few stores open on Sundays. I bought a toothbrush since mine is apparently sitting on the bathroom counter at home still. Then we passed by a few restaurant/bars that we noted we wanted to try out soon. On one of our final stops before heading back home, we went to Kelly and Pablo's favorite bar, La Chabolu. There I had my very first spanish cervesa ("caña" -baby beer) and tapa. Our tapa was some fries with churizo.

The greatest part about Sunday was that I finally met Pablo!!! Yes, after SEVEN years of hearing about Kelly's Spanish love, I met the real live Pablo! :) He's great!

Other Randomness Around Las

The prettiest cathedral I have ever seen!

Artistic Photo of the Day: Rose

Our first of a million pictures!

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