Friday, May 29, 2009

And Even More Madrid

Kelly and I spent Wednesday making it to all the spots in Madrid that we did not get to on Monday or Tuesday. There is just so much to do and see...

We started by going back to the Palacio Real (Royal Palace). We wanted to check out the inside, where you can view a lot of the rooms. They were all decorated really elaborately. The palace has about 3000 rooms and we probably saw about 20. Some of the highlights were the throne room, the dining room, and a room covered in porcelain. Unfortunately we could not take pictures inside. One guy got yelled at by the security woman in one of the rooms. Kelly said that she was yelling he had to erase the picture.

Us with a view of the gardens behind us

And with the Cathedral behind us

The Palacio Real

After the Royal Palace and some wandering around, it was time for cervesa and tapas. We stopped at a cute bar near the Plaza Mayor.

The yummy calamari got us ready for the last of our tourist stops in Madrid:

La Cibeles- Unfortunately the fountain part is under construction.

Madrid is bidding for the Olympics. We think their symbol looks like the turkey hands you make in kindergarten.

Atocha: train station in Madrid that is decorated like a tropical paradise!

Visit: for more pics and info about this day :)

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