Friday, June 5, 2009

Road Trip! Wooooo!

We started our road trip to the south of Spain on Saturday, May 30th with lots of adventures ahead of us!

Day 1: Saturday, May 30
Stops: Trujillo & Merida (ending in Seville)
Weather: MUCHO CALOR (very hot) 95 degrees (ish)


Our first stop was Trujillo, a quaint little town southwest of Madrid.

This beautiful plaza was the first of our sites in Trujillo.

And we wouldn't be in Europe if there wasn't a cool church to take a picture in front of...

And we wouldn't be tourists in Spain if we didn't take a break at this point to have a drink at a local bar.

After a beer it was time to take the trek to the top of the hill to see the castle. In the mean time, it had started to get quite hot!

The views from the top were worth the hike though. We walked around the castle taking lots of pictures, then we had a picnic lunch in the plaza. We made bocodillos (baguette sandwiches) that morning to take on our trip.

On the road again, heading further southest to...


Merida is a very cool city that houses the most Roman ruins in Spain.

The pictures above are of the coliseum, and the pictures below are the amphitheater.

After visiting the the ruins, we had a drink in the plaza, then got back in the car to make our way to Seville. There was some sort of celebratory procession going on in the town. There were some bands, men dressed as gladiators, and kids in their first communion attire. We weren't sure what was going on, but we felt cultured.

On the way there were fields and fields of sunflowers. We stopped to take some pictures in one of the fields. I thought we might get shot at by a farmer, but we got back in the car just as he pulled into his driveway...phew!

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