Friday, June 5, 2009

Ouch! Sunburn!

Days 3 & 4: Monday, June 1 and Tuesday, June 2
Stops: Puerto de Santa Maria & Cadiz

Puerto de Santa Maria

Monday morning we left Seville and traveled further south to Puerto de Santa Maria. This is a small port town. We found a great hotel and checked in for two nights.

Moday was set to be our beach day. After unloading our stuff at the hotel and suiting up, we went in search of the beach. It wasn't anything glamorous, but it had sand and an ocean, so we were set. I spent most of the day in my own little world...Ipod on and head in a magazine or eyes closed for a rest. It was a relaxing day, but I got back to the hotel to discover that my front side was burnt to a crisp! I had sunscreen on, but I guess it was hotter than it felt because the wind was blowing most of the day. Days later, I am still feeling the pain, but it is definitely getting better.

That night we took a walk around town. We discovered the bull ring and took some photos outside. I was having a pasta craving, so we found a pizza place that had pasta as well. After dinner, I went back to the hotel to nurse my sunburn while Kelly and Pablo stayed out for a bit to enjoy some vino.


Cadiz is a beach town in southern Spain. It is said to be the first inhabited city in Europe.

We followed a walking tour in one of my travel books that took us through the city (we added a few stops of our own too)! We also stopped for a big seafood lunch...well, i had chicken, but the purpose of lunch was seafood since we were on the coast. Here is a slide show of our day...

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