Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our Nation's Capital: Day 1

On May 8th I flew out for my first visit to our nation's capital-- Washington, DC!  A good friend, Jenny (aka "G"), was getting married over the weekend, but I thought I would take the opportunity to explore DC for a few days.

I arrived on Tuesday night, and Tom (a friend I made traveling in Thailand) picked me up from DCA, which is right near downtown DC.  He wanted to show me a bit of DC at night, so we went to Old Ebbitt Grill, which was a cool, old restaurant.  While we waited a short while for our table, we walked a few blocks down to see the White House and the Old Executive Building lit up at night.

White House at Night
Old Exectutive Building

On Wednesday, we headed out for a long day of DC site seeing!  We took the metro from Arlington, where Tom lives.  The first stop on our tour was the Washington Monument.  I was impressed with how tall it actually is!  From there, we started a big loop, which included (hopefully in order): the WWII Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the George Mason Memorial, the FDR Memorial, the MLK Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, and finally the White House.  My favorite was the FDR Memorial!  This took us all morning and we were more than ready for some lucnh!

Washington Memorial

WWII Memorial

On Our Walk to the Jefferson Memorial

George Mason Memorial-- just begging for an imitation photo (I took another with his actual pose)

One of many poses with statues during the day

Artistic Photo of the Day- Viet Nam Memorial
Lincoln Memorial

Interior of the Old Post Office
Tom took me to the Old Post Office, which was a really impressive building.  They have a food court on the bottom floor, so we grabbed a quick bite before continuing the tour.  Next stop was the tower of the Old Post Office.  It was free to ride to the top and there was a great view from up there.  You could spot most of the monuments and memorials.

Next up on the tour was the Air and Space Smithsonian Museum.  I knew I would only have time for about two Smithsonians, and this was my first choice.  Seeing all the planes, rockets, and space shuttles was really cool!

First Airplane

Air & Spance Museum

The day didn't end there though.  I wanted to see the Georgetown area, since a few different people recommended it to me.  We decided it would be a good place to meet up with Kelly and Pablo who had flown in from Spain for the wedding.  We got apps and beers at a local bar, and Kelly shared some VERY exciting news with me (let's just say she wasn't drinking beer with us at the bar).  It was so great to see her and I nearly cried (happy tears) when I heard the news :)  Kelly and Pablo were jet lagged and Tom had made some plans with his friends to watch the playoff hockey game at a bar near his house.  So we parted ways with Kelly and Pabs, and headed back to Arlington to finish the night.  Wow, what a day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Final Days in Bali

Coming soon...

Water Sports in Nusa Dua

On Thursday, we headed to Nusa Dua for a day of water sports.  Nusa Dua is still in the south of Bali, but on the east coast.  The water sport company Bali Jet Set Dive and Marine Sports picked us up from our villas.  When we arrived, we got to select the sports we wanted to sign up for.  About half the group decided to SCUBA, while the rest of us picked a few other activities.

Bali Jet Set was really nice.  They had a restaurant, pool, and a bunch of lounge chairs and umbrellas on the beach.  The view from the ground wasn't all that pretty, but the view from above was great.  Its set on an inset of the ocean and the water looks all murky.  We met the owner, who is from the US, but moved to Bali to start this company.  She said there are lots of water sports businesses on Bali, but only three of them are actually certified.

The SCUBA crew had a two hour training in the pool and about an hour out in the water, which gave the rest of us plenty of time for other activities. 

First, everyone in our (non-SCUBA) group tried the "Flying Fish."  This sooooo would NEVER be legal in the US (or at least I wouldn't think so).  Basically there is a large floating raft with spots for two people to lay down on their backs.  There is nothing strapping you into the raft; you simply hold on to two straps and then rest your feet on part of the raft.  Once your "secure," the raft gets towed by a boat out on the water.  Oh, and there is another guy/guide sitting on the raft with you.  Once the boat gets enough speed, the guide lifts up the raft, so it goes airborn.  Then you are basically like a kite in the sky until the guide lands you back on the water.  They send you airborn three times.  I screamed the first time, especially since my feet we're planted firm enough and I felt like I was going to fly off the thing.  The view from up above was really pretty!

Some of the group jet skied.  A guide goes out with you on the jet ski, which I had never seen before, but they said the guides let them do all the driving and they could go anywhere they wanted.

Next it was time for parasailing.  This ended up being a somewhat stressful outing and I was a bit disappointed with how it all worked.  I wouldn't recommend parasailing (in Bali)...it looked like all the businesses followed the same procedures.

So basically, they brought us to the parasailing spot by boat.  When we got to the location, they made us get out of the boat and stand in waist-deep water while we waited for our turn.  It was all slimy with seaweed and there were super sharp rocks.  They put a blue glove on one of your hands hand and a red glove on the other, which corresponded with two of the lines on the parachute.  When it was your turn, the parachute would come down and they would very quickly attach your harness to the parachute and let you go.  The view from up top was gorgeous! 

You were supposed to keep an eye on the water down below to see when they started waving the blue flag at you.  When you saw the blue flag, you were supposed to pull on the blue line of your parachute to help bring yourself down.  When it came time for me to pull on it, I started pulling.  As I started to come down they were all screaming at me to pull harder...I was already using both hands and all my strength, but I guess it wasn't good enough for them.  Finally I was low enough for them to grab me.  Six people rush me and unhooked me, before shoving the next person in.  Then they start yelling at me that I didn't see the blue flag.  Sorry there were 50 people standing in the water and I missed you.  Geez!

So overall it was stressful and I felt like I was getting screamed at a lot.  I much preferred my parasailing experience in Hawaii when I got to stay on the boat the whole time and they reeled me in and out.  They also let us float down to the water and then pulled us back up in the air, which was cool.

Once our whole group was done, we stood around for a few minutes trying to figure out when/how we would get back to Bali Jet Set since our boat just dropped us off there and left.  Finally they came with jet skis to get us.

Jen and I had planned on snorkeling as well, but we ran out of time and the first two activities seemed like enough excitement for one day.  Good excuse to go back though!  You always have to leave something out so you need to go back :)

We had a long lunch at Bali Jet Set (some confusion with orders, but that is bound to happen when there's a language barrier).  The food was just ok, but the view and the company were great!

The prices were pretty reasonable.  If we participated in two things, we got a 20% discount, and if we did three activities, we got a 25% discount.  For my two activities and lunch, I spent about $50.  They took credit card.

Fun day for sure!

Oh, and the SCUBA people said they had a good experience.  They said the visibility wasn't very good, but that it was probably weather related.  They saw lots of tropical fish and soft coral.

Pictures coming soon...

Kecak and Fire Dance at the Uluwatu Temple

On the night of the 4th, we went to check out the Uluwatu Temple and to see a traditional Balinese show.

The Uluwatu Temple also has a lot of monkeys.  We were told that the monkeys here are much more aggressive because they are not well taken care of.  We were advised not to wear anything shiny, like earrings or sunglasses, and to hang on tight to our cameras and wallets.  I was a little nervous, but for the most part the monkeys stuck to themselves.  We did see one woman's sandal get stolen though.  The monkey grabbed it and ran up into a tree.  One of the guides was able to retrieve it by giving the monkey some candy, but the sandal had definitely been chewed up by then.  Its basically teaching the monkeys to steal to get treats, but I guess it works to get people's things back.  We were told that in the next few years the monkeys will probably be able to pick pockets.

Aside from the monkeys, the temple has some really pretty views of the cliffs and the ocean.

After a quick walk around the temple and some photos against the pretty backdrop, we headed over to watch the Kecak and Fire Dance show.  The performance reinacts a story from Balinese history.  There is no speaking, so it would have been hard to follow without reading the story first on the handout we were given. 

Kecak is a way of creating sounds......
The dancers in the show had some very ornate costumes and makeup.  They were able to use their hands and feet in very interesting ways as part of the dance.

Honestly, the show wasn't that long, but I was getting bored by the end.  It was super cool to see, and I would recommend going to a cultural show such as this, but it just didn't hold my interest for the whole time.

Pictures/video coming soon...

Padang Padang Beach

On Wednesday, January 4th we had a free day with nothing planned.  We got a recommendation to go to Padang Padang Beach.  It was only about a five minute drive from our villas, so we hopped in some vans and headed over for a day in the sun.

We had to walk down a bunch of stairs in between rocks to reach the beach.  When we came out at the bottom, we were greeted with a gorgeous beach!  The sand was soft and the water was crystal clear.  There were cool rock formations that created a cove.  We had a fun day laying out, swimming, drinking Bintang and eating noodles delivered right to you on the beach.

Pictures coming soon...

A Tour through Bali

Coming soon...

Uluwatu Surf Villas

Coming soon...

Temples and Monkeys!

Coming soon...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tahun Baru!! (Happy New Year!!)


New Year's Eve in Bali was incredible!!  I'm not typically a fan of NYE, but this year did not disappoint! 

Our hotel hosted a NYE "Gala."  They put a lot of work into getting the
restaurant ready for the gala, putting up tents and decorating.  They hosted a big buffet dinner and had traditional Balinese performances taking place on a stage.

Hotel set up for the party
Buffet Dinner

After dinner, we decided to check out the scene down on the beach.  Fireworks filled the sky!  I have never seen so many fireworks in my life!  They were non-stop from about 7pm until 1am, all up and down the beach.  It was gorgeous!!  It was also slightly dangerous since it was just random people shooting them into the sky from right next to you.  I have a video on my facebook of all the fireworks if you want a taste of what it was like (Thanks to Saran for taking the video).

We shared many a Bingtang at the different bars and tried to enjoy the crazy techno music they were playing everywhere.  There was no official countdown, but as close to midnight as possible we decided to celebrate with lots of cheering and hugs.

Our Table at the Gala

Perfect summary of the night: lots of large bintangs and blurriness

The Ladies!

Shelley and I (and Brian)

Much later in the evening...
TAHUN BARU to everyone!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Seminyak Beach, Bali


On December 30, 2011, we arrive at the Denpensar Airport eager to explore Bali.  Our hotel picked us up from the airport and we quickly learned a few things: 1) driving in Bali is crazy, even when sitting in tons of traffic, and 2) the humidity combined with the heat is intense.

We got a good taste of what Seminyak is like as we drove through the beach town to our hotel.  The streets are lined with shops, restaurants, and bars.  Most of the bars and restaurants are open to the street, making them great for people watching.  We mostly stuck to the places on the beach and on Jl. Dhyana Pura, although there are many more streets in the town (see map below).

Beach Bar in Seminyak
After checking in, Shelley and I wanted to check out the pool area.  We never quite made it into the pool because we were so easily distracted by all the fun going on at the beach.  Our hotel backed right up onto the beach that is lined with beach bars/restaurants.  We were in awe of the beauty and decided a beer was in order.  Several of the bars had tons of brightly colored, oversized bean bag chairs right on the beach, which is where we quickly found ourselves taking in the view and drinking our first of many Bintangs!  (So bummed I left my camera in the room).

Seminyak Beach
That first night the whole group ventured into town for some dinner and drinks.  Not bad after 22 hours of traveling.  We ended up at the first restaurant we came across.  The food was great, the Bintang was cold, and a good time was had by all.

First Night Out in Seminyak

First Night of Bintangs!

In general we learned that most of the restaurants had a pretty similar, well-versed menu.  Most had Indonesian food, pasta, pizza, chicken/steak/fish with some sort of side, and sometimes another asian cuisine.  So basically, it was pretty impossible to not find something on the menu that sounded good.  It didn't take long to figure out that all the restaurants served two different kinds of beer: Bintang small and Bintang large.

On New Years Eve day, we explored Seminyak a little more and had lunch at one of the open front restaurants.  Shortly after lunch, we had to head back to the hotel for our spa treatments.  I enjoyed the Balinese Massage.  The massage room had one open wall that faced a little river of water and was sooo relaxing.  The boys were not so impressed with the Balinese Ball Massage since the balls were heated (a little too hot) in a rice cooker.  The girls had much better experiences.

We had an incredible New Years Eve that night, but you'll have to see the "Tahun Baru" post for more on that.  On the 1st we explored a few places outside of Seminyak, but that's in another post too.

After our tour on the 1st, we had one last night to enjoy in Seminyak.  We all went to the Lucky Day restaurant, which ironically is only open for dinner.  Sadly we never made it to the Bestest Cafe, but hopefully it wasn't really the bestest.  After dinner we enjoyed what was supposed to be "one last drink" at the restaurant we went to on the first night.  At this point, the top entertainment choice in Seminyak was clear: Balinese men playing acoustic versions of American songs.  This was happening at every restaurant...some way better than others.

We had one last morning in Seminyak before getting picked up to head to our villas in Uluwatu. Of course Jen, Shelley, and I decided one more cheapo massage was in order.  We tried a small "spa" in town, where Jen and I got a 30-minute foot (and leg) massage for $3 each and Shelley got a 1-hour full-body massage for $5.  Then it was off to Uluwatu...

Pelangi Hotel
Overall the Pelangi Hotel was a great hotel.  The pros are: clean, incredibly nice staff, pretty grounds/pool, beach access, buffet breakfast (included) with a view, restaurant and bar on-site, spa on-site, 2 blocks to town.  The photos of the rooms online are very flattering.  The photos are real, but for some reason the rooms are just not quite as nice as they look in the photos.  We were all happy with the hotel though, and if you aren't looking for something too fancy, I would recommend it.

Outside of Pelangi

Hotel Lobby

Hotel Grounds

Hotel Pool


Double Room

Room Bathroom

Monday, January 16, 2012

Trip to Bali

In early August the opportunity to go to Bali (Indonesia) fell in my lap...and how could I say no?!?!  It went something like this:

Jen (good friend from grad school):
HI! Welcome home! Got a question for ya. How much of a possibility would it be for you to be able to come to Bali Indonesia for New Years and stay for the week?

Well considering how impossible it is for me to turn down vacations, it could be possibility.  What dates are you looking at?? WOW!  That could be amamzing!!

Sends basics of trip

Happy 30th Birthday to ME!!!!!!  Um, it all sounds amazing.  I said I wanted to go somewhere for my 30th, and what is much better than Bali?  As long as I can get the time off work (which really shouldn't be a problem), I think you'll have to count me in.  I feel like this is such an impulse decision, but what is there really to think about???

And so a few days later, I had a plane ticket in hand and the anticipation of leaving drove me crazy for five months.

Here was our basic itinerary (more details in posts to come):

December 28
Arrive at SFO

December 29
Leave for Bali at Midnight
China Airlines with a layover in Taipei, Taiwan

December 30
Arrive in Bali
Check into the Pelangi Hotel, Seminyak Beach
Dinner in Seminyak
Drinks on the beach

December 31
Shopping/Lunch in Seminyak
Massages at Spa in hotel
NYE Gala hosted by hotel
Seminyak Beach parties

January 1
Tour to:
Mengwi Temple
Ubud Monkey Forest
Tanah Lot Temple
Dinner in Seminyak

January 2
Foot Massage in Seminyak
Transport to Villas
Arrive at Uluwatu Surf Villas
Dinner cooked by Villas chef

January 3
12 hour tour of Bali, including:
Batik Shop
Rice Terraces
Bali Pulina (Argo-Tourism)
Mt. Batur (volcano)
Lunch overlooking Mt. Batur
Hot Springs on Lake Batur
Basukian Temple (Largest temple in Bali)

January 4
Padang Padang Beach
Uluwatu Temple and Monkeys
Kecak and Fire Dance Show

January 5
Free/Relaxation day at villas
BBQ Dinner, cooked by villa chef

January 6
Water sports at Bali Jet Set in Nusa Dua

January 7
Last full day
Shopping in Uluwatu
Lunch at YeYe's
Sunset dinner near villa- The Edge & Silver Fin Restaurant

January 8
Pack up
Fly out of Denpensar
Layover in Taipei
Arrive home at SFO