Our first stop was Frisco. Frisco is a cute town situated by Lake Dillon. Next we went up to Sapphire Point, which overlooked Frisco and Lake Dillon. People we having their wedding photos take up there when we arrived. We snuck around so we could check out this gorgeous view:
Next stop: Breckenridge. Finally we made our way to my sister's new town of residence. She drove me down Main Street. Then we parked and walked along a river/creek that ran through the town. Breck, as the locals call it, is adorable!
Eventually we made it back to Laura's new house for a little bit of rest before our big night out on the town.
We went to Motherload for dinner and it was super yummy. Then it was onto Bender Weekend at Ollie's. The new Breckenridge location of Ollie's was having their opening weekend and in celebration were selling all you can drink for the entire weekend bracelets for $25.
Loving the all-you-can-drink |
Me, Laura, and roommate Danny |
Suffice to say we drank our $25 worth. We eventually decided to check out some other bars on Main Street. I would tell you their names if I could, but I do not remember. I remember attending them, kind of, just not their names.
The next day involved some sleeping in before watching the Duck Game and continuing to celebrate bender weekend. We eventually made our way to Ollie's in Frisco to watch the second half of the game and get some lunch. A few of Laura's friends were there too and we got to play some cornhole (or "bags" as they called it). Love that game!
We made our way back to Breck where we went to visit Reagan at the shirt store where she works. A movie night was necessary...especially since we had a big day planned for Sunday!
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