Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Continental Divide at Loveland Pass

One of my final adventures in Colorado was visiting the Continental Divide!  We went up to Loveland Pass, which at almost 12,000 feet!  I was excited to see some water splitting at the divide, but I guess it doesn't quite work like that.  The scenery was AMAZING though!  We hiked up a ways for an even better view.

Zip Away

I'm getting ready to leave for my next adventure, and realized that I never finished my posts about Colorado. Oops.  Hopefully I can remember...

Laura really wanted to go rafting and zip lining while I was there.  Unfortuantely rafting didn't work out since it was too late into the season, but zip lining was still available. 

I did a ton of researching trying to find a great zip lining spot.  Many of the places are just in between some trees and not very high or exciting.  Companies just throw something together to have another
acitivity to offer in the summer.  We finally decided on a company called Zip Adventures.

Zip Adventures is out near Vail and the course is beautiful.  We got to go across 6 different lines that crossed a canyon with a river below.  We were about 200 feet up in the air!  The zips go back and forth across the canyon, and the last one cuts back all the way to the beginning of the course (over 1000 feet).  We had a super fun time and were sad when it ended.

All geared up and ready to go!

This is FUN

And I'm off!
Tandem Zip!

Our Awesome Guides!! And an awesome view!
**Coming soon...a video of the last zip!

After a morning of zipping away, we headed into Vail for lunch.  It was both of our first times to Vail.  As luck had it, it was Oktoberfest in Vail, which was really fun!  We ate some brats, drank some beer, and wandered around the village.  It was absolutely beautiful, and I hope to make it back there again soon!